Physics Undergraduate Research Colloquium
October 30, 2023
4 p.m.
CW 102 or Zoom
Email for the Zoom address
4:00 p.m. Refreshments (CW 119)
4:15 p.m. Jeremy Kamman: From Molecules to Crystals and Kansas to the Ruhr Valley, My RISE Experience
4:30 p.m. Rachel Meeker: Characterizing Mutations of Menin in the Mixed Lineage Leukemia-Menin Interaction
4:45 p.m. Caitlin Solis: Coloring Outside the Lines: Using Simulated Galaxy Modeling to Classify Galaxies
5:00 p.m. Corbin Allison: Control of Ionization Asymmetries in Chiral Molecules with Attosecond Techniques
5:15 p.m. Kale Stahl: A Nen Sampling Imaging Functional for Imaging Photonic Crystals
5:30 p.m. Carson Connard: Morse-Smale Functions on Global Quotient Orbifolds