Fall 2021 Colloquia

All colloquia and special lectures are held at 4:30 p.m. in CW 102 unless otherwise noted.

Date Speaker Institution Host Title
8/23 B. DePaola K-State Welcome (Back)
8/30 J. Schmit K-State B. DePaola Universal Principles and Specific Functions in Biomolecular Condensates
9/6 University Holiday - Labor Day
9/7, Tues Loren Greenman K-State B. DePaola

Ultrafast dynamics of excited molecules

9/13 Be Stoney, Kimathi Choma and Stephanie Lott K-State B. DePaola Understanding Your Role and Selection Process for Departmental Committees
9/14, Tues Vinod Kumarappan K-State B. DePaola Rotational wave packets in small molecules and what we can learn using them
9/20 J.T. Laverty K-State B. DePaola

Supporting Physics Teachers and Researchers through PER

9/27 Suprem Das K-State C. Sorensen From exfoliating micrometer-scale atomic membrane to manufacturing functional Inks



Joel Corbo Univ of Colorado Boulder E. Sayre Departmental Action Teams as a Mechanism for Change



Sarah LeGresley Rush Univ of Kansas E. Sayre Improvements in student learning due to course redesigns
10/18 Anders Carlsson Washington Univ. St. Louis B. DePaola

Active Materials in Biological Cells

Tues, 10/19,

CW 103

Anders Carlsson Washington Univ. St. Louis B. DePaola Neff Lecture: Energy Storage - the Key to a Completely Renewable Energy System
11/15 Glenn Horton-Smith K-State E. Sayre New results in the investigation of a neutrino mystery
11/22 Thanksgiving Break

Colloquium Committee: Ellie Sayre (Chair), Andrew Ivanov, Chii-Dong Lin, Bharat Ratra, Gary Wysin, and Terry Salava, Jr.